Saturday, September 4, 2010

I wouldn't have made the best pioneer...

   Ack!! I've gotten behind by 2 days... I'll make it up by posting twice today I guess. I had full intentions for an awesome post on Thursday night but then I turned on the Utah vs Pittsburgh game and fell asleep during the 3rd quarter. By the time I woke up there was no way my groggy self was going to be able to write anything coherent. 
   Thursday night was a pretty fun night at our house. I came home to my husband cleaning up the back yard at our new house. We moved in about a month ago and have been focused on the inside [which is still a work in progress]. Our house is an older brick bungalow with tons of trees. The bad part is that the people who lived here before us kind of let the trees take over and things are a bit out of control. We'd been trimming the trees here and there over the past couple of weeks and found ourselves with quite the trash pile. My husband decided that digging a fire pit and burning all of the trash was probably the best way to get rid of it. Next thing you know we have a mini bonfire going with all of the leaves, twigs and branches that were cluttering our yard.
   I kept looking at the fire and mulling over the idea of cooking dinner on it. There is something about flames that suck you in and make you want to control them [or maybe I have a little bit of a pyromaniac in me]. When I asked my husband what he felt like for dinner my idea became reality as his response was that he wanted to roast hot dogs. I made a run to the store for buns and while there decided that we needed to go all the way and do roasted corn on the cob and smores. I came home and chopped up some potatoes and put them in tin foil with spices and a little water and got the corn all wrapped up for the fire too. When I walked outside with my arms full my husband just shook his head and said that he didn't want to wait forever for those to cook but also knew there was no stopping me. 
   Now I've been camping tons of times and witnessed my parents cooking things in the fire with stupendous results. How hard could it be, you just wrap stuff in foil and cover them with coals to cook. Well, I'm going to need to go camping with my mom and Ron or at least have a lesson over the phone before I attempt backyard cooking again... I left the corn in too long and it burned. 
A little longer and we'd had popcorn ;)
Doug trying the "hot as shit" corn
   Next up were the potatoes that Doug was concerned were going to take forever to cook. After pulling out the corn and seeing how "well done" they were we decided we should probably check on the potatoes. We unwrapped the 3 layers of foil and discovered that the next time I'll need to remember to spray the foil with Pam. The potatoes that hadn't touched foil were really good but the rest had fused with the foil and burnt.

I was so dismayed by the results of the corn and potatoes that I completely forgot to take pictures of my perfectly roasted hot dogs... Luckily Doug remembered to take some of me devouring my smores :) Don't I look blissful?

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